Friday, December 6, 2024

a tragedy told in screenshots

We have 45 days of freedom left before America descends into Hell on a golden escalator. This is not the future I want. This is not the kind of world I want to live in. Social media is an inadequate medium for expressing complicated thoughts, but that hasn't stopped us from trying. The months leading up to the election were full of misdirected anger, masochistic defeatism, and hyperbolic language and for the past month, I have seen a lot of misplaced schadenfreude.

My political opinions are too complicated to be expressed concisely for social media. I prefer to blog about them. I needed a month to figure out what I wanted to say because I am so angry and disgusted. Hot takes aren't my thing. I think I still need more time. Perhaps I will save my final analysis of this time for my next art book. In the meantime, for your consideration and for the historical record, here are some screenshots that I have saved from this cursed election season. They help to tell the story of how we got here and where we might be headed. They answer important questions like, "Why are we in this mess?" and "How did we get here?" Some may lead you to ask questions like, "What is wrong with people?"

This is a tragedy told in screenshots. I didn't redact any names because these were public posts and if the people who posted them feel ashamed of themselves now, that's not my problem. I have not edited out any profanity or slurs, so be forewarned.

Apparently some very online leftists are fine with collective punishment as long as it happens to American civilians. According to them, we all deserve to suffer. This time the election wasn't stolen, but purchased by the richest man in the world.  To me, the real tragedy is not that Harris lost, but that Trump won. 

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